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Ambassador Program with 12 Community Safety Initiative 

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Recognizing that feeling safe in the neighbourhood you call home is essential to one's wellbeing, International Avenue founded the Twelve Community Safety Initiative, or 12CSI, in 2007. They are our partner in the Ambassador Helper program.

12CSI continues to actively create initiatives that contribute to safety in the communities they represent, such as Community Action Team walks, CPTED assessments in association with us, educational videos and much more.

BRZ Security Initiative

International Avenue prides itself on cutting edge, innovative work and our crime prevention work is a perfect example.  Through our combined efforts (various law enforcement) we have seen a decrease in social disorder and  vandalism.  Our office educates our businesses on CPTED and provide an extensive package of crime prevention methods.  In addition, we have developed a model which is holistic and is leading to the capture of culprits. The program is proprietary to our organization and security provider which is only available to members.  

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The Great Tree Move

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In 2016 construction on the MAX transit line down 17th Ave SE began, and the very first step was to remove many of the almost 400 trees that lined the street. Typically trees in the way of infrastructure development are simply removed and destroyed, but International Avenue found a better way!



Our office took the initiative to arrange to have over 150 of those trees replanted at homes throughout the city. We did a call out to residents who wished to adopt, and had an overwhelming response. We then made arrangements to have each tree, a feat of logisitics we didn't quite realize we were getting into, but were exceedingly glad we undertook in the end.

We hope that this innovative approach to re-utilizing trees in Calgary will be applied to more infrastructure projects in the future! And ultimately, our revamped street will feature more trees that it had originally. Everybody wins!



on 17E


ArtBOX on 17E was an exciting art space that operated at 1807 42 Street SE since late 2013- 2017. The building was an old paint store, which had been vacant and unkempt. The main purpose of the project was to bring arts and artistic opportunity to a severely underserved part of town. The previously vacant building was transformed into multi-disciplinary community animated hub to create vibrancy and generate creativity opportunities to residents and attract visitors to the area. The ArtBOX on 17E prominently located on 17 Avenue SE with the average traffic volumes of over 29,000 vehicles per day, was transit and pedestrian accessible. It offered affordable art space for theatre companies, artists, local community events and musicians. The centre was bustling with activity and was central to the evolution of the area.  The project was funded by CADA and organized, developed and run by the International Ave BRZ. 

Since its inception, artBOX  liaised with other arts and community organizations, individual community members, schools, senior centres, community centres, government administrators, and many, many more. The space was proven to be flexible to effectively accommodate a spectrum of activities and events. Many new artists were discovered in the area; art groups have been formed; rehearsal space has been provided for an afterschool music program for local youth (Calgary Multicultural Orchestra); a new art gallery has set up in the area; a not-for-profit youth group has established space; local groups hold tai chi classes in the space; businesses and residents have a place to hold meetings; summer programs are held here; local festivals have a new space to host events. Creative industries were generated.


  • A community artist run gallery exhibit called OpenBOX saw 110 local artists display their work over four OpenBOX exhibits. Each show saw an increase in artists bringing in their work and a number of the works have been sold providing a much-needed source of income to the artist. These events have been sponsored by the BRZ.

  • Artistic groups established themselves in the area – Korean Art Club, LoveCraft Gallery, Antyx, Sage Theatre

  • The profile of Forest Lawn as a go-to area for variety of arts and cultural events has been raised with organizations such as: This is My City, Limelighter, Swallow a Bicycle, SpringBoard Dance, Honen’s Piano Competition, Playwrights Lab, and ACAD, bringing events to the venue.

  • Connections with community groups such as Momentum, Antyx, Meow Foundation, Aboriginal Awareness Week, CIES, Afrikadey brought opportunities to the community for services by these organizations.

  • Connections were facilitated between individual community members, residents and volunteers.

  • A venue was provided for much needed youth programs: Calgary Multicultural Orchestra, Glee Club, summer camps (2014), Antyx Play on Wheels, Green Fools Circus camp and many more.

  • Awareness of initiatives by International Ave BRZ and other organizations was raised within the community

  • Engagement in BRZ/artBOX social media initiatives increased

  • Funding for artists/artists groups in East Calgary has been made more accessible (Arts for All grants, I love my Neighborhood grant – CNS Community Social Workers, Stepping Stones etc.)

  • A number of educational opportunities have been made available to the local community (“Out of the Box” lecture series with visiting artists, Playwrights lab, retirement workshop, Antyx programs,)

  • The number of visitors and participants attending a variety of events including, theatre runs, concerts, films, art shows and workshops, has steadily increased over the last 2 years. An average of 1,500 people were coming through the venue bi-monthly in 2015.

  • Affordable studio space was made available and is utilized by artists

  • Local businesses had positive economic impacts as events bring more people to the area for shopping and dining as well as catering.

  • Successes for East Calgary artists who may be disenfranchised are being achieved

  • CADA's outreach to the broader Calgary arts community has been improved including developing a plain language application process

  • CADA injected $48,500 in 2013 and $41,500 in 2014 into East Calgary through the Arts for All program.

  • An empty, unkempt building  was been turned into a viable community hub.

  • The need for a free-range community-run venue for all kinds of connecting, creating, and collaborating has been clearly demonstrated.

  • A groundswell for the ultimate arts and culture vision for the International Arts and Culture Centre project has begun

  • Created opportunities to liaise with immediate neighbors

  • Provided additional eyes on the street- thus increasing safety for residents

  • Social capital and community pride increased

  • Brought film companies to the community for location shoots thus creating jobs, funding for non-profits and economic spin-offs- i.e. Fargo- GFLSenior Centre, funeral home etc.

  • CNS-Community Social Workers have used the space to host Community Conversations including showing community focused documentaries, and connecting people to the space.

  • RedTalks – an aboriginal podcast focusing on indigenous issues was recorded out of there

Unfortunately,  the building was sold by the owner in 2017  thus closing the project there.  The ArtBOX project lives on virtually and through the EMERGE office, FUSE33 and local art shows with the help of International Avenue Arts and Culture Community.

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Need immediate access? Call us at 403-248-7288

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#250 - 3515 17th Ave SE
Calgary AB
T2A 0R5




© 2024

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